Für alle die ein Gamma selbst erstellen möchten oder Interesse daran haben einmal zu sehen wie so ein Gamma aufgebaut ist, befindet sich im Anhang ein aus dem Niederländischen übersetzter Kurs zum Download. Auch hier gilt ein weiteres mal mein Dank an Piet und besonders an Wiel für die Hilfe.
Viel Spaß allen Nutzern beim Lesen und Gebrauch der Übersetzung.
Piet hat mich darauf Aufmerksam gemacht,dass ich in den Gamma-Beispielen einen Buchstabendreher verursacht habe. Ich habe einige Male TOEST
geschrieben. Richtig geschrieben wird es TOETS
Schnellkursus: Ein Gamma erstellen
Schnellkursus: Ein Gamma erstellen
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- Schnellkursus Gamma erstellen.pdf
- (185.17 KiB) 774-mal heruntergeladen
Zuletzt geändert von Reinhard am Do 24. Nov 2016, 15:02, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
- WielGeraats
- Beiträge: 99
- Registriert: So 29. Nov 2015, 09:10
- Wohnort: Horst Niederlande
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Re: Schnellkursus: Ein Gamma erstellen
Reinhard hat hier fast eine unmögliche Arbeit verrichtet. Die Niederländische Anleitung ist sehr Technisch und oft auch für ein Niederländer schwierig zu lesen. Darum meine Komplimente für Reinhard!!
Re: Schnellkursus: Ein Gamma erstellen
welches Gamma verwendet ihr für die 20er-Beijer-Drehorgel. Hat jemand ein fertiges und gibts da einen Download ?
Gruß Manfred
welches Gamma verwendet ihr für die 20er-Beijer-Drehorgel. Hat jemand ein fertiges und gibts da einen Download ?
Gruß Manfred
Re: Schnellkursus: Ein Gamma erstellen
Auf der Beijerje spielen die Standartrollen Raffin, Hofmann u.Co. Ich verwende das Gamma welches ich auch für die Höffle verwende.
- Piet Paardekam
- Beiträge: 85
- Registriert: Sa 19. Nov 2016, 14:43
- Wohnort: Zutphen Niederlande
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Re: Schnellkursus: Ein Gamma erstellen
In the German version of the Snellkursus I read TOEST in some examples. This is a slip of the pen and should be TOETS of course.
About gamma's for 20-key organs the following:
- all 20-key organs have the same rolls
- you can work with two types of roll patterns:
1) NTYPE P 12 (or 15): gives holes in long notes all the same distances of 1,2 (or 1,5) mm and punches a half moon on the end when necessary
2) NTYPE A 10: spreads the holes in long notes in such a way that half moons on the end are avoided as much as possible. The result is a variable distance of the holes within limits.
For manual punch work you use NTYPE P and for computer controled punches you better use NTYPE A because a punch may have problems to punch out the last little piece of paper (half moon) or even the puch gets stuck in the matrix hole.
There are more differences in the gamma's used for the 20-key organs. For instance, Wiel uses a gamma with notes from bass F to melody D. I use a gamma from D to B. When I get a midi file from Wiel, I will have to transpose the file 3 semitones lower to use it with my gamma.
Conclusion: for all the gamma's the roll is printed the same, with respect to two variants of NTYPE, but if the note range is different you either need to transpose the notes, or use the gama that belongs to that range of notes. But basically: all gamma's are usable.
Tip: I always print two template sheets on one page of A4.
In the gamma:
- ONDMA 100
- LEIMA 100 (in stead of 259)
In Midiboek: I setup for Rand oben -7 and Rand links 3, Seiten pro Blatt 2. You will have to experiment a bit with the Rand value, depending of the printer you use. It is correct if the side of the upper template matches exactly the edge of the paper: it saves you from cutting the outer edge of paper.
Then the printed pages become narrower than the roll paper, so you can easily stick the narrow template on the wide paper, keeping the papers towards the guide side. It is easier to stick the two papers together and saves paper.
About gamma's for 20-key organs the following:
- all 20-key organs have the same rolls
- you can work with two types of roll patterns:
1) NTYPE P 12 (or 15): gives holes in long notes all the same distances of 1,2 (or 1,5) mm and punches a half moon on the end when necessary
2) NTYPE A 10: spreads the holes in long notes in such a way that half moons on the end are avoided as much as possible. The result is a variable distance of the holes within limits.
For manual punch work you use NTYPE P and for computer controled punches you better use NTYPE A because a punch may have problems to punch out the last little piece of paper (half moon) or even the puch gets stuck in the matrix hole.
There are more differences in the gamma's used for the 20-key organs. For instance, Wiel uses a gamma with notes from bass F to melody D. I use a gamma from D to B. When I get a midi file from Wiel, I will have to transpose the file 3 semitones lower to use it with my gamma.
Conclusion: for all the gamma's the roll is printed the same, with respect to two variants of NTYPE, but if the note range is different you either need to transpose the notes, or use the gama that belongs to that range of notes. But basically: all gamma's are usable.
Tip: I always print two template sheets on one page of A4.
In the gamma:
- ONDMA 100
- LEIMA 100 (in stead of 259)
In Midiboek: I setup for Rand oben -7 and Rand links 3, Seiten pro Blatt 2. You will have to experiment a bit with the Rand value, depending of the printer you use. It is correct if the side of the upper template matches exactly the edge of the paper: it saves you from cutting the outer edge of paper.
Then the printed pages become narrower than the roll paper, so you can easily stick the narrow template on the wide paper, keeping the papers towards the guide side. It is easier to stick the two papers together and saves paper.