
Piet Paardekam
Beiträge: 85
Registriert: Sa 19. Nov 2016, 14:43
Wohnort: Zutphen Niederlande


Beitrag von Piet Paardekam »

In the reserve of a bellows always is a pressure relief valve (Druckbegrenzungsventil). On drawings you can find three types:
-1 valve on top of the reserve bellows blade with outside spring
-2 valve inside the reserve bellows (under the blade) with inside spring and a stick that opens the valve in the top position
-3 valve inside the reserve bellows (under the blade) with inside spring and a chain that pulls the valve open in the top position.
I always use type number three. Advantages:
- both valve and spring inside gives more space on top of the blade, for instance for springs
- because the pressure in the bellows keeps the valve closed, you need only a simple not very forcefull spring
- because of the little chain that pulls the valve open from the inside you do not need any stick outside the bellows to push the valve open
- if you unscrew the complete unit you will have access to the inside of the reserve bellows.

I always build a bellows for a new organ first because I need the pressure of the wind to test all my parts and intonate the flutes. At that moment the bellows is not always in a case, so the chain inside the reserve is very handy.
Beware: if you ever turn the wheel and the relief valve does not work (no stick to open the valve) there is a big change to damage the bellows severely.

Below pictures of a large valve, but you can make it smaller of course.
You can see the chain that will be fixed on the bottom of the reserve bellows. The chain goes through a little hole in the leather of the valve. By pulling the bulges of the chain through this small hole you can simply adjust the desired top position of the blade and try it out. Once you found the correct position you can fix the chain with a piece of metal with a small slit or something like that.
If the valve makes to much noise, you can simply place a little house with cloth-covered holes over the unit on the outside to filter the noise. Even a simple solution is very effective, especially beneficial for organs with an open front.
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